WGXC 90.7 FM is a 3,300-watt station broadcasting from Acra, Catskill and Hudson, New York, serving Greene and Columbia counties.
The station, according to its website, is “a creative community radio station,” “hands-on-radio,” serving “over 78,000 potential listeners” both through broadcast and, internationally, through wgxc.org.

Wave Farm Study Center in Acra, NY, home to an artist residency program, research library, Wave Farm Radio and WGXC 90.7 FM’s Acra Studio.
WGXC is also “a program division of Wave Farm.” Wave Farm is “a 501(c)3 non-profit arts organization that celebrates creative and community use of media and the airwaves.” It is a sound art organization, based in Acra, New York, that specializes in “transmission art,” furthering consideration of radio as an experimental art form. Its programming is unique, and it both supports sound artists and offers a community.
WGXC’s programs are categorized as cultural and public affairs, morning and afternoon shows, music programs, transmission arts programs, youth programs and news broadcasts. The station’s program grid will be fully interactive by March 2015.
The station is dedicated to providing a transmission forum for sound artists. From their website: “On WGXC, artists experimenting with transmission, radio, and sound have a truly unique and welcoming home. Late nights from Midnight to 6 a.m and on Saturdays, WGXC 90.7 FM features artists at the forefront of the transmission and experimental sound art genres. On Saturday afternoons, an international and local roster of transmission artists are special guests on 90.7 FM.”
WGXC describes transmission arts: “Transmission art encompasses works in which the act of transmitting or receiving is not only significant, but the fulcrum for the artist’s intention. The genre is more loosely defined as a multiplicity of practices that engage aural and visual broadcast media, where in some instances works for broadcast are created, and at other times artists harness pre-existing broadcast signals as source material.”
The station website offers a “newsroom” (content for morning and afternoon show hosts including breaking news, features, audio and video, and links) and extensive archives.
Coincidentally, WGXC is preparing for its 4th anniversary on February 26! From their website: “On February 26, 2011, WGXC went live on air 90.7 FM. WGXC celebrated this momentous occasion with an event at the Catskill Community Center on an afternoon filled with live performance, introductions to WGXC programmers, and an acknowledgement of the work accomplished to reach this moment, and the ambitious future that lies ahead.”
Congratulations, WGXC!