This Week on Sprouts

The Poor People's Moral March on Washington D.C.


Produced by Robert Hennelly-WBAI

On June 29 the mass Poor People’s and Low Wage Workers Assembly and Moral March to the Polls occurred in Washington, DC, to increase the engagement of the nation’s low wealth and low wage households, who for too long, had been marginalized from the nation’s civic life. With over 140 million poor and low income people in the United States, poor voters have the potential to move the political needle.

1000s of people gathered in Washington, and among them the most stirring voices was that of Reverend Dr. William Barber, who was the man who convened the march along with the Reverend Dr Liz Theoharis.

Today on sprouts, we bring you Reverend Dr. Barber’s speech, but first a conversation with him from back in April up at the Yale Center for Public theology and public policy. He discusses the religious and historical context for the 21st century iteration of the Poor People’s Campaign that was inspired by the Reverend Dr Martin Luther King’s initiative just before he died. 

Photo of Reverend Dr. Barber from Wikipedia Commons

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