Sponsors & Underwriters

Donor Disclosure Policy:

If an entity or individual is a donor to your program, and if you are presenting on a story in which the donor has a financial or political interest or if you have a guest on the program or is even mentioned, you must identify that they are a donor at the beginning and/or end of the program. Their sponsoring announcement may not be aired during the same program.  This disclosure policy will be in effect for two years from the time the donation is made.

Definition of Underwriting:

You are legally allowed to credit underwriters and sponsors of your show. Noncommercial Educational Radio Stations may air underwriters but not on-air advertisements or broadcast commercial messages.

As a courtesy, disclose this in your written show description in Audioport.org. Some stations will accept this, but some may not want to give their airtime for this.

If you accept an underwriter, we suggest that you choose one with national significance and that you receive support large enough for the national exposure your underwriter will receive.   

Defining an Underwriter

An Underwriter is a person, business, or organization that provides support for radio content or a radio station that is providing a public service. In return, the underwriter receives on-air acknowledgments of their support for the public service, accompanied by a brief statement about themselves, as requested by that underwriter.

The language of the statement must comply with federal regulations. The Federal Communications Commission forbids advertising in noncommercial broadcasting.

Regulations about Language:

Underwriting messages MAY NOT contain the following language:

  • Language that is overtly promotional and competitive in nature
  • Comparative or qualitative language; hyperbolic language (“Great,” etc.)
  • Repetition of information
  • First person statements (“I urge you…”
  • Any reference or allusion to cost (including “free”), discounts, or sales
  • Calls to action (directly telling the listener to do something)
  • Inducements to buy, sell, or lease
  • Pre-produced announcements or music beds. KHOI staff will do voicing
  • Messages should not exceed 20 seconds

Underwriting messages MAY contain the following language:

  • Name of Underwriter
  • Underwriter’s address, web site, and phone number
  • Length of time underwriter has been in business
  • Brand or trade name of the underwriter’s product or event
  • Underwriter’s product or event

Please contact us if you have questions or need help:

  • Ursula Ruedenberg, Pacifica Affiliates Coordinator / 510-812-7989 / Ursula@pacifica.org 
  • Stephanie Schubert, Network operations coordinator / stephanie@pacifica.org