Statement of Purpose of the Association of Affiliates (AOA)
The Association of Affiliates’ mission is to sustain and further the field of grassroots community radio. In this endeavor, the AOA collaborates closely with the seated members of PNB, working together to fulfill its mission, support the operations of the affiliate network department, and hold them both accountable to that mission.
The Association of Affiliates is compatible with and supports the mission of the Pacifica Foundation, as is understood to mean:
- Promotion of full distribution of public information, access to sources of news not commonly brought together, and presentation of varied sources for an accurate, objective, comprehensive report on all matters vitally affecting the community.
- Education promotes communication and lasting understanding between nations, races, nationalities, creeds, religions, orientations, special needs, and cultures.
- Contributing to the democratic process through public discourse.
- Promotion and aid of creative activities to serve the cultural welfare of the community.
- Making community radio as self-sustaining as possible, un-beholden to commercial or governmental interest.
- Protection and support for mass media as a public trust for encouraging and providing outlets for the creative skills and energies of the community.
The Association of Affiliates seeks to seat at least 2 individuals on the Pacifica National Board to represent and communicate the interests and concerns of Pacifica’s Affiliate Network members and support the operation of the Affiliate Network Department of Pacifica Foundation.
The Association of Affiliates is a 501 C3 Corporation (84-4467741), registered and incorporated in the State of New Mexico, in the City of Santa Fe, on September 19, 2019. Our registered office is 112 Civic Plaza Drive, Taos, New Mexico 87571.
On April 29, 2023, the Association of Affiliates made the following decisions regarding the Board:
- Reverend Joan Ross, AOA Board Chair & General Manager, WNUC-LP 96.7 FM Detroit, Michigan; rossjoan@wnuc.org Phone 248-565-6572
- Joseph Orozco, AOA Vice Chair & content creator, Hoopa Tribal Radio KDIE-FM in Northern California; jrorozco932@gmail.com Phone 530-739-2684
- Imgard Khosravi, AOA Secretary, volunteer content creator, Empower House 101.5 FM, San Antonio, Texas imgrop6@gmail.com Phone 210-454-7292
- Sharon Scott, AOA Member & General Manager for ARTXFM.com, Louisville, Kentucky; gm@artxfm.com Phone 502-568-4969
- Randi Zimmerman, AOA Member & Station Manager WMNF FM Tampa, Florida; randiz@wmnf.org
- William Foster, AOA Member & Station Manager WUMO LP 94.5 FM in Montgomery, Alabama; bill.foster@aframsouth.net Phone 334-322-0824