Your Station’s Umbrella Account & Your Local Manager Account

As a network affiliate, your station is given an umbrella account under which your staff and producers will receive their own individual accounts. Your local umbrella account is administered by one or more local AudioPort Managers.

Pacifica Network management can also manage your umbrella account when necessary. However, we ask you to normally manage these umbrella accounts locally to respect chains of command at your station. We rely on you to vet who has access, in order to uphold the quality and integrity of AudioPort.

After your station’s umbrella AudioPort account has been created, Pacifica Network will create the local AudioPort manager’s account.  The local AudioPort managers’ account is the entrance point for activating the umbrella account.  The local AudioPort manager will in turn be responsible for creating all other individual accounts.  

As the local AudioPort manager, when we set up your account you will receive an email from AudioPort with a link to login.  

If you don’t see the email for setting up your account, check your spam folders etc. Sometimes firewalls prevent our messages.  If you can’t find the email anywhere, contact

Follow the link to set up your own password. Pacifica Network staff will not have access to your password.  If you forget it, there is a link for creating a new one on the AudioPort login page.

You can create additional local managers at your station. There is no limit. You can remove your local manager status. Please make sure there is at least one local manager.  For instructions go here.

Please contact us if you have questions or need help:

  • Ursula Ruedenberg, Pacifica Affiliates Coordinator / 510-812-7989 / 
  • Stephanie Schubert, Network operations coordinator /