Community Growth Radio, located in Vancouver Washington, is a radio network dedicated to serving the blind, the visually impaired and the disabled. Thanks to many positive, kind notes and emails, CGR Radio has now expanded to 6 live streams. This new stream offers Classical Music, recordings that have been digitally transferred from LP, 78 RPM and even Cylinder Wax Recordings.
The recordings were donated by a music collector via his estate. The collector had over 3000 recordings, going back to 1897. CGR Stream #6 also offers Librivox recordings and books, histories of composers and of classical music, music theory.
“I wanted to be not your normal or typical Classical Music stream,” says Gerald Gaule, the station’s sole owner and operator, “but to add education and oral history as well as recordings of historical value and teaching.” CGR offers over 11,000 total selections, including the above donation. CGR #6 has no ads or sponsor mentions.
CC violin photo by Jorge Royan