Audioport’s home page shows a listing of content that is currently categorized as “Types” shown below.
Daily Program
Weekly Program
Bi-Weekly Program
Monthly Program
News UP!
Music By Permission Of The Artist
Events, Speeches and Plays
Newscasts and News Features
Actuality (Uncut Material)
Pacifica Radio Archives
Spanish Language Programming

Finding the show you want: Searches can be done in a variety of ways.
Shows for Download
- If you know what show you want, one of the most efficient ways to find it is to click on the “By Series/Podcast” link in the permanent navigation bar on the right. There you will be led to find your show alphabetically.
- If you know what show you want, you can use the “Search” bar, top right (you must be logged in). Note: the search engine is not the best and can fail to find your show, so if this fails, try another route.
- On the home page, the most recent uploads to each “Type” of content is shown. To the right of each title bar for each Type, one can select today’s, last seven days’, last thirty days’, and all content in this category. The list can get long, so when you click on one of these, there is a drop-down box at the bottom of each page for going back into time.
- You can search by Type by using the link for that, seen in the permanent navigation bars at the top or at the left.
- You can also search by affiliate of origin, topic, producer, or length. Links to these search functions are at the top and/or at the right navigation bars.
- Note: If a show title is in bold and has the green “POD” next to it, it is a show that is being regularly distributed. Some content is one-time submission, such as an interview or documentary, and will not be in bold.
Streaming Shows
- Some shows are being streamed. Democracy Now! Is offered 5 times in the morning, starting with its live broadcast at 8 AM ET. To find the live stream, go to the link in the navigation bar at the right with the bright green background (once you are logged in). The section called “KU Left” is regularly scheduled content as outlined here. The section called “KU Right” remains silent unless there is a special live broadcast.
- The link in the navigation bar on the right called “Public Programs” takes you to programs that are not password-protected. Pacifica’s signature show, Sprouts Radio From the Grassroots can be found there and very little else.
- The stream is being archived in real time for download. A show is ready to download seconds after it is finished. To access the archive, go to ku.audioport.org.
Directory of Shows By Genre
- If you are looking for what kinds of shows are in available AudioPort by genre, go to the show directory. The directory gives you links to the shows. For your convenience, log into AudioPort on another tab, so that you will be able to access the content.
Please contact us if you have questions or need help:
- Ursula Ruedenberg, Pacifica Affiliates Coordinator / 510-812-7989 / Ursula@pacifica.org
- Stephanie Schubert, Network operations coordinator / stephanie@pacifica.org