What doe it mean when two people have “good chemistry”?
I Love You…Actually, I Love Your Microbiome
What determines chemistry between two people? We praise a couple that has “good chemistry” and express confusion when a couple appears odd. What do they see in each other? What is chemistry between two people?
Doctor William Miller has been a physician in academic and private practice for over 30 years. He is the author of The Microcosm Within: Evolution and Extinction in the Hologenome. During that period, there have been spectacular advances in biology, medicine, genetics, and microbiology. Combining his unique observations about patterns of disease from medicine with current scientific discoveries in many other fields has lead to revolutionary insights in biology and evolution and encouraged his novel and provocative insights into our co-evolutionary journey with the microbial microcosm within each of us.
Doctor Miller reveals that the attraction between two people goes far deeper than we think, all the way to the microbiome.
What if the concept of chemical attraction has a direct biological basis? New research is revealing that it does, and many of those reasons had not been previously expected or explored. It is becoming increasingly apparent that our microbiome has a tremendous influence upon us. Our relationship with these obligatory microbial partners is intimate. We cannot survive without them and they cannot exist as they prefer without us. It should not be totally surprising, then, that they can affect our social choices and even our love life.
Talking with Dr. Miller
Topics of discussion include:
- What determines “chemistry” between two people
- The Microbiome – what it is and how it directly affects our love life
- Cooties are cool – how germs can influence our sexual choices
- Our unconscious selection of a mate based on protecting our future children
- Put down the Axe Body Spray: How experiments have demonstrated that sexual partners are attracted to certain body odors
- …and much more!
William Miller, M.D. is a graduate of Northwestern University in Biology, and Northwestern Medical School. He is a member of the medical honor society, Alpha Omega Alpha and has been widely published. He currently serves as a scientific adviser to OmniBiome Therapeutics.
To schedule an interview with Dr. Miller, contact:
Erin MacDonald-Birnbaum | 856-489-8654 x302