Content Incubator

The following are people of interest who are available for radio show interviews.

If you would like to be interviewed, or if you are a radio station that has a contact you can share with other Pacifica affiliates, please contact Stephanie Schubert at

Date / GuestFull Description
04.12.2024 presents information that will enable Black people of the world to secure more economic power and to reestablish our position as global economic leaders.’s regular social media products are available to member stations as a basis of, or background information for, programs. Otherwise, social media may be used as a one-time or periodic basis concerning as a potential resource for program content. contributors are available as resources for commentaries or interviews of agreed durations on topics related to Black economic concepts, issues, policies, and plans. Selected examples of the breadth and scope of information available from Our contributors' brief biographies are available on our "About Us" webpage


Dr. Brooks B. Robinson
Founder and Chief Contributor

Aeliana Nicole

acclaimed Author and activist who first became known nationally after producing the Occupy Wallstreet Poetry Anthology
In New York last week Aeliana Nicole, a trans woman, celebrated author, artist and dedicated activist took on the City of New York in an explosive legal showdown. Just before her graduation from Pratt Institute in 2016, Aeliana was tragically hit by a fleeing ambulance, leaving her with critical, enduring injuries.

Amidst her 8 year battle for recovery, Aeliana faced an uphill struggle against the very politicians who profess support for the LGBT community. Her long-awaited day in court came last week, during Transgender Visibility Week, where a jury unanimously ruled in her favor on all counts. But in shocking twist, the judge overturned the verdict to safeguard city interests.

Jonathan Ross, a close friend and trial witness, provided insights into Aeliana’s harrowing journey

Thank you,

West Seegmiller
KPFK 90.7FM Rebel Alliance News
949-293-0413 |

Maurice Hamington

Professor of Philosophy
Affiliate Faculty, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Fulbright Specialist 2021-2025
Revolutionary Care provides original theoretical insights and novel applications to offer a comprehensive approach to care as personal, political, and revolutionary. The text has nine chapters divided into two major sections.

Section 1, "Thinking About Better Care," offers four theoretical chapters that reinforce the primacy of care as a moral ideal worthy of widespread commitment across ideological and cultural differences. Unlike other moral approaches, care is framed as a process morality and provides a general trajectory that can only determine the best course of action in the moment/context of need. Section 2, "Invitations and Provocations: Imagining Transformative Possibilities," employs four case studies on toxic masculinity, socialism and care economy, humanism and posthumanism, pacifism, and veganism to demonstrate the radical and revolutionary nature of care.

Exploring the thinking and writing of many disciplines, including authors of color, queer scholars, and indigenous thinkers, this book is an exciting and cutting-edge contribution to care ethics scholarship as well as a useful teaching resource.

If you are indeed interested, I can have the publisher send you a copy of the book.


Anthon Samuel

Documentary Filmmaker
Miami, - Born and raised in Miami, passionate filmmakers Alex Quin & Anthon Samuel unveil a deeply impactful project, "TAKE A RIDE Miami," which sheds light on the untold stories of the city's residents. The film confronts the challenges faced by Miami residents on a daily basis, and aims to raise awareness about these pressing issues.

The film's trailer draws over 1 million views, exposing Miami's battle against gun violence on Amazon Prime Video.

Contact: Anthon Samuel

Kineret Sherman

Author, Life Coach, Spiritual Care Provider
In 2015, at age 43, Kineret discovered she had Stage II rectal cancer. At age 44, it was Stage III. Eight years later, she is cancer-free. To heal, she utilized both traditional and alternative modalities and learned about how emotions contribute to disease and how we can use that understanding to release resentment and guilt.

Healing the Deepest Wounds: Life-Giving Lessons from My Journey with Rectal Cancer Stage II/III has struck a chord with diverse populations: patients with many types of cancer or any disease, their loved ones, and their doctors, nurses, and caregivers.

Judy Katz 917-841-1843 /

Hanna Qassis

Palestinian journalist and an alumnus of the UC Berkeley Graduate School for Journalism.
"I have covered news from the West Bank for years, including the 2012 and 2014 wars on Gaza and I have extensive knowledge of the area, players, and political developments. I am also fluent in English and Arabic"

1. Israeli Forces Fire Tear Gas at Palestinians in Qalandia

2. "Outsider" Mayoral Candidates Call for Change

3. Lift Up Oakland volunteers go door to door for minimum wage ballot measure
