Holly Harris – U.S. Justice Action Network

The U.S. Justice Action Network is a bipartisan organization working to reform the justice system at the state and federal level.

Overlooked: Women in the Justice System

Holly Harris is the executive director of the U.S. Justice Action Network and an expert in justice reform. Harris speaks often about the unique problems women face in our system today, and has passed reforms in 11 states between 2016-2017. Her reforms work to reduce the prison population, improve public safety, and save the state money.

In March 2017, Harris and representative Mia Love (R-UT) co-wrote a piece for The Hill to draw attention to these issues. They speak about the isolation these women face from families and support systems, and how this need makes community supervision a better option.

Harris has been quoted in a variety of national news outlets, including the New York Times, Washington Post and AP. Her essay, “The Prisoner Dilemma,” explores the political landscape and opportunities for the President to tackle justice reform at the federal level.

To interview Harris on how women are impacted by the justice system, contact:
Lauren Weiner
O | 202.888.5459
C | 202.257.3977