From KUSP:
Businesses, nonprofit organizations and individuals may underwrite programming on KUSP, except as follows:
- No political candidates or political campaigns.
- No organizations promoting a religious message.
- No organizations with a severe social stigma, e.g. the Ku Klux Klan.
- No products that are prohibited from underwriting/advertising, e.g. cigarettes.
KUSP reserves the right to refuse underwriting from companies, businesses, organizations, or any other entities deemed to be inconsistent with KUSP’s image, not of general interest to KUSP’s listeners, or that could be detrimental to the welfare and image of the station. Acceptance of underwriting is subject to final approval by the General Manager.
From WPKN:
In the interest of preserving WPKN’s identity as an independent, community-based, non- commercial radio station, and in the interest of developing, strengthening and enhancing WPKN’s image and relationships with the community, WPKN encourages financial support with businesses and organizations that support the principles of WPKN and are local, community- based entities within the station’s service area. The primary pool of approved underwriters for WPKN programming will be small, independent businesses with the idea that we are supporting our local economy and the small business owners in our listening area. However, locally-based regional, national or international large business enterprises whose practices are in alignment with WPKN’s essentially independent, alternative, non-commercial character, may also qualify as underwriters.
Whatever their size or location, WPKN shall not knowingly accept underwriting from individuals, organizations or businesses which:
- are involved in – or are financially associated with – arms manufacturing;
- make investments in repressive governments;
- engage in ongoing discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual preference,national origin, age, religion, marital status, or physical or mental disability;
- tolerate sexual harassment;
- engage in unfair labor practices and in the suppression of union organizing;
- engage in environmentally irresponsible practices;
- produce or distribute materials deemed offensive on the grounds listed above;
- engage in laboratory testing on animals or cruel treatment of animals (as in factory farming);
- engage in or condone violations of human rights;
- PKN’s Board of Directors determines would be detrimental to the social responsibilities,integrity or reputation of the station.
Additionally, WPKN shall not accept underwriting from religious organizations.
From KBOO:
KBOO shall not knowingly accept funds from individuals, organizations, or businesses which:
- are involved in weapons manufacturing;
- make investments in repressive governments (other than the United States);
- have been shown to discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual preference, national origin, age, religion, marital status, or physical or mental disability;
- have been shown to tolerate sexual harassment;
- have been shown to use unfair labor practices;
- have been shown to be environmentally irresponsible;
- produce or distribute materials deemed offensive on the grounds listed above; or
- KBOO’s Board of Directors determines would be detrimental to the social responsibilities of the station.
Additionally, KBOO shall not accept underwriting from religious organizations or political candidates.
From KGNU:
KGNU existsexists to educate and entertain our listeners and reflect the diversity of the local and world community while representing people and ideas that are not found in other media. We will not solicit or accept contributions from sources whose practices KGNU deems unacceptable and contrary to the values implicit to KGNU’s mission. This Contribution and Donor Policy is meant to encourage discussion and facilitate KGNU’s donation process.
Core Standards
We should seek and accept contribution of funds that are clearly in alignment with and do not compromise KGNU’s mission and also give KGNU flexibility in their use. KGNU will honor donors in appropriate ways remembering that all donors – whatever their contribution – are valued at KGNU.
The Development Committee (Committee) will create a list of prospective donors meeting the guidelines for Committee, Board of Directors (Board), and Station Manager feedback. Should any reviewer identify a substantial concern with a donor’s alignment with KGNU’s values, polices and procedures, the Committee will discuss removing the prospective donor from the KGNU donor list.
KGNU will attempt to seek donors that are actively involved in the communities they reside in; yet, not exclude national or international donors whose actions are consistent with the KGNU mission.
KGNU has identified qualities for potential corporations, businesses, individual donors and foundations that actively:
Encourage and promote women and/minorities in management positions and on the board of directors; with progressive policies regarding purchasing or investing in women – and/or minority-owned businesses; with progressive policies regarding hiring programs for the disabled; and with progressive policies regarding GLBTQ individuals in the workspace. We shall avoid companies with a pattern of discrimination based on race, gender/gender identity, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.
Demonstrate a commitment to and history of fair labor negotiations. KGNU shall consult various lists including, but not limited to, the AFL-CIO boycott list.
Demonstrate respect for the natural environment in their ways of conducting day-to-day business. We shall avoid corporations that frequently or consistently violate international, federal, state and local environmental regulations.
Pay fair wages, support human rights (particularly those of indigenous people (s), and protect the environment where they operate and conduct business in less developed countries.
To help identify corporations to solicit for support, KGNU will evaluate potential corporations on the Domini Social Equity Fund list, corporations meeting the Citizens Fund Social screens, and corporations meeting the Council on Economic Priorities’ corporate conscience standards.
KGNU will not accept money from corporations or businesses whose primary source of revenue is from the military and/or weapons production.
Donors who contribute to KGNU would not be granted access to KGNU beyond that which is generally accorded the KGNU membership.
In all fundraising, KGNU will strive to be transparent and respect confidentiality; to avoid conflicts of interest, KGNU asks that Committee members, Board, and Staff recuse themselves from decisions on accepting money when they have an association with a donor.
From KYRS:
KYRS shall not knowingly accept underwriting from individuals, organizations, or businesses which:
- are involved in weapons manufacturing;
- make investments in repressive governments;
- have been shown to discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual preference, national origin, age, religion, marital status, or physical or mental disability;
- have been shown to tolerate sexual harassment;
- have been shown to use unfair labor practices;
- have been shown to be environmentally irresponsible;
- produce or distribute materials deemed offensive on the grounds listed above; or
- KYRS’s Board of Directors or Station Manager determines would be detrimental to the social responsibilities of the station.
The independent contractor assigned to solicit underwriting shall target his or her efforts at businesses, organizations and individuals deemed sympathetic to the mission of KYRS, with an emphasis on locally owned businesses.
From WMNF:
It is the policy of WMNF-FM to consider underwriting support from associations, corporations, foundations, and other interest groups including governments both domestic and foreign for the general support of station operations, projects, and programming.
All WMNF programs or dayparts may be considered for underwriting.
WMNF considers its values, programming, history, traditions, audiences and reputation priceless. Our thousands of listeners and supporters expect us and organizations with whom we associate to uphold the highest levels of ethics in internal and external policies and practices.
WMNF accepts underwriting based on the needs of the station, availability of airtime, and compatibility with our programming and Mission. As a basic matter of policy, WMNF will not accept financial support from any entity whose business practices conflict with our Mission Statement and programming. As a result, WMNF will not accept financial support from businesses determined to be engaged in unfair labor practices. WMNF will not accept financial support from businesses or organizations that engage in environmental pollution or discrimination on the basis of race, creed, religion, gender, age, skin color, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, disability, marital status, political affiliation or membership in the armed forces of the United States.
From KHOI:
Editorial Independence
When accepting business sponsorship in the form of underwriting and contributions, KHOI uses the following guidelines for ensuring integrity and continuity of values. Our guidelines reflect our mission of free, sincere, and open public discourse. These obligations supersede personal, business, and institutional agendas. Our guidelines exist to assure our audiences that we adhere to editorial standards and that our services are free from undue or improper influence.
All underwriters must agree that their support of KHOI – regardless of level or duration of support – does not confer upon them any rights to influence the station policy, program selection, or content, either directly or indirectly. The underwriters’ signatures or that of their representatives on the underwriting contract will indicate acceptance of this policy.
To prevent influence by underwriters on station policy, programming, or practice, all underwriting will be consolidated into KHOI’s general budget and will not be credited to any specific program, activity, or event.
Potential underwriters will receive a copy of these underwriting policies in the KHOI information brochure and these will be stated in the underwriting contract.
KHOI Choice in Accepting SupportKHOI’s mission is to uphold and build the health and diversity of our local communities, and expand freedom of expression. KHOI selects underwriters to reflect these values. Our brand signifies commitment to responsible community development, so KHOI proactively seeks underwriters who are individuals, organizations, and businesses with core values of community, cultural development and who promote the common good. We seek to connect with those who:
- Engage in fair and equal treatment of all races, genders, sexual orientations, national origins, ages, religions, marital status, or mental disabilities
- engage in fair labor practices
- operate sustainably and plan for future generations’ needs
- encourage human rights
- respect and protect the environment
- show and/or encourage local entrepreneurial initiative, local self-reliance and sustainability
- Support the local economy
- Provide for basic human needs at no profit
- Encourage and promote local arts and culture
- Provide local food
- generate conditions for the flourishing of life and creative vision for our community
- are judged upon reasonable evidence by KHOI to be engaged in activities that are socially responsible and congruent with the KHOI mission
KHOI reserves the right to refuse any funding support, goods or services that may be offered by individuals, businesses, or organizations.
The Pacifica Foundation Radio Mission Statement
To establish a Foundation organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any member of the Foundation.
To establish and operate for educational purposes, in such manner that the facilities involved shall be as nearly self-sustaining as possible, one or more radio broadcasting stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and subject in their operation to the regulatory actions of the Commission under the Communications Act of 1934, As Amended.
In radio broadcasting operations to encourage and provide outlets for the creative skills and energies of the community; to conduct classes and workshops in the writing and producing of drama; to establish awards and scholarships for creative writing; to offer performance facilities to amateur instrumentalists, choral groups, orchestral groups and music students; and to promote and aid other creative activities which will serve the cultural welfare of the community.{mosimage}
In radio broadcasting operations to engage in any activity that shall contribute to a lasting understanding between nations and between the individuals of all nations, races, creeds and colors; to gather and disseminate information on the causes of conflict between any and all of such groups; and through any and all means compatible with the purposes of this corporation to promote the study of political and economic problems and of the causes of religious, philosophical and racial antagonisms.
In radio broadcasting operations to promote the full distribution of public information; to obtain access to sources of news not commonly brought together in the same medium; and to employ such varied sources in the public presentation of accurate, objective, comprehensive news on all matters vitally affecting the community.