The Pacifica Affiliate Network is a mutually supportive community of independent radio stations and production groups who cooperate to create and broadcast community media. We advance community- building and citizen participation by giving voice to the unique residents, visions, and environments in our local areas and raising them to a global platform.

The Pacifica Affiliate Network’s mission is to advance the widespread practice and pursuit of grassroots community radio.  We extend the reach and benefit of Pacifica Foundation’s programs and infrastructure.  Through cooperation, we build and maintain the support and synergy of a network to extend the reach and assets of all stations in the network.


1. Message and Culture

  • Contribute to a lasting understanding between nations and individuals of all nations, races, creeds and color.
  • Provide outlets for the creative skills and energies of community and propagate new grassroots community media in underserved parts of the country.
  • Promote and aid other creative activities which will serve the cultural welfare of the community and partner with parallel national democratic media organizations nationally and internationally.
  • Distribute public information, reaching diverse and remote audiences.

2. Revenue

  • Be self-sustaining; sharing this mission with affiliates, and contributing to sustaining and helping community radio flourish as a medium
  • Provide central operations for leveraging the size and scale of our network for building income and fundraising and additional income streams for community radio.

3. Outreach

  • Serve as an initial contact for people wanting to relate to Pacifica Network.
  • Promote and market Pacifica Foundation Radio and Pacifica Network.
  • Operate as a network-building hub for communication, outreach, and partnerships.

4. Coordination

  • Provide network coordination and strengthen network communication.
  • Help the organization and network stations address unanticipated needs and emergencies.

5. Talent and Resources Development

  • Stimulate production of grassroots radio content, assisting, and utilizing talent.
  • Provide a platform for attracting and facilitating resources and funding opportunities and people who want to contribute to community radio, utilizing a diversity of network sources.

The mission and goals of the Pacifica Affiliate Network are in accordance with the mission of The Pacifica Foundation.