In order to upload your programs into the AudioPort, you must be a registered user.
Please Note: Since AudioPort is for exchanging air-quality files, there are restrictions on the bitrate and sample rate for files. Should you upload an unacceptable file, you will be given the option to correct it and re-upload without having to re-enter the data.
The minimum quality for a file is 128kbps at a sample rate of 44100.
Files must be Constant Bit Rate (CBR). Variable Bit Rate (VBR) is not accepted.
Use the ADD PROGRAMMING tab at the top of the website or the Add Program link given in the white space when you log in, or “Step 1” under ADD PROGRAMMING in the blue navigation bar to the right.
In this step, you have to specify the number of files that are part of this program. You should default to 1 program. If you upload more than one segment or version, RSS for people downloading your show with automation will be confused and not know which file to send to the station that has subscribed.
In this step, you have to identify the Audio File information for this program.
Fields whose names are in red are the only required fields.
Program Name: Give the name for the specific installment, not the overall name of your show. For instance if your overall show name is All About Water, this week’s installment might be The Future of the Colorado River and next week’s installment might be Urban Flooding is on the Rise in NYC. These would be the program names. We encourage you to give show installments names instead of dates or numbers, since we have found that shows with names are used more – the title acts as advertising.
Subtitle: optional/if applicable
Series: A “series” is any show that is regularly being distributed – weekly, daily, monthly, etc. The series name is your overall show name. In the example above, the series name would be All About Water.
If this is your first upload of a new series, in the drop-down boxes pick “Add New Serie” and fill in the overall name of your show (series). In the future, the dropdown will offer you that name to click.
This series name will appear in bold automatically when you publish, in front of the title of that particular episode’s name. For instance, the published installment of a show in the example above would show up like this on its show page: All About Water: The Future of the Colorado River. The overall show name – All About Water – shows up bold, signifying that this show is a series (distributed regularly and ongoing.)
Note: The series will be permanently associated with your login (email address). No other login will be able to upload a show with that series name. If you change your login email, your series will cease to be seen in Audioport.
Note: If your show is not regularly distributed, you may select ‘Not a Series’ in the dropdown box.
Program Type: specify what type of program this is, using the options given, such as Weekly, Daily, etc. Content not in show format can be identified as Actuality.
Topics: specify the main topics for this program, using the options given. You may specify as many as you wish. You expand topics by clicking on the plus sign. You add topics by clicking on the text. You will see your chosen topics listed in the box shown below. If you wish to remove one, click on it in this box.
Featured Speakers/Commentators: list your guest(s), speaker(s), and/or host(s), not your host.
About This Program: Give a brief and compelling summary of the specific installment. This is the place for your elevator speech to promote the show to radio people with busy schedules. No lectures, just what and who they get if they take this program, that is compelling.
Credits: Specify your program credits here, host, producer, editor, reporters, engineer, anyone else who you want to credit. It is also good etiquette to give your station’s name.
Broadcast Restrictions: Specify which restrictions you wish to put on the use of your program (if any). You can usually ignore this.
Program Notes: This box can be used for any information you wish to add. This area has unlimited text space. Some people put playlists here. Also, website links, references, bios, etc.
Release Date: Enter the date on which you want the show to become available as published on the web site as available programs. You can use the default present date or put it in the past or the future. It will not appear on the listings before the date given.
Select Segment: Browse for the file you want to upload.
Label: If it’s a series, the label is set automatically, otherwise it simply uses the date. The label will be the name of the downloaded file. You may change it if you wish or add a specific topic of the show. No punctuation is allowed, no spaces, with room for 10 letters.
The “Next Page ” Button: This starts the upload. While the upload is underway, please DO NOT hit the button again. After you submit your files for upload, a progress bar will appear showing the status of the upload.
Please Note: Since AudioPort is for exchanging air-quality files, there are restrictions on the bitrate and sample rate for files. Should you upload an unacceptable file, you will be given the option to correct it and re-upload without having to re-enter the data. The resolution of the file is computed automatically. This applies to mp3″s.
The minimum quality for a file is 128kbps at a sample rate of 44100.
Files must be Constant Bit Rate (CBR). Variable Bit Rate (VBR) is not accepted.
When the File has Finished Uploading: you will see the edit page for the file you just uploaded. You may edit, add, or correct info here.
Please contact us if you have questions or need help:
- Ursula Ruedenberg, Pacifica Affiliates Coordinator / 510-812-7989 / Ursula@pacifica.org
- Stephanie Schubert, Network operations coordinator / stephanie@pacifica.org