As the local AudioPort manager, you add individual accounts for personnel at your station, enabling them to download content for the radio. For security reasons, we ask that you not create a generic account to be shared at the station. 

Please give yourself and individuals at your station individual and unique accounts with unique logins and suspend their accounts when people leave the station. Please check your station’s umbrella account regularly to suspend any personnel who are no longer at the station or should be suspended for any reason. We rely on you for safety and integrity in AudioPort.

1. To Add an Account

  •  Log in under your account
  • Go to WORKROOM
  •  Go to ADD NEW USER

Using Automation to Download Shows in AudioPort

Automation in AudioPort is done through RSS, just like a podcast.
AudioPort will generate an RSS link for each episode of the series you choose.

For more information / assistance on this topic, please contact AudioPort IT Developement Director Otis Maclay / 713 855 0605

Please build safety into this process:

Create individual accounts. Please do not create generic station accounts since such accounts allow leaving producers or staff continued access. Only producers who are actively at your station should have accounts. When people leave your station, suspend those accounts.

Ask the producer(s) to read the online contract while creating their account to understand legal restrictions, legally protected definitions, and compliance with Pacifica’s terms.

Remind producers that they may only use content from Audioport for on-air and radio production purposes only. When wishing to use the content in another way, one must get permission from the person who put the content in AudioPort, either directly (the producer’s email is given on the show page) or with the assistance of Pacifica staff. Their compliance is essential.

If you can, please check in periodically to see if the producer(s) have what they need and are being compliant.

If the producer leaves your station, terminate their account under your station’s umbrella account. This is important for security!  For information on how to terminate access go here.

Please contact us if you have questions or need help:

  • Ursula Ruedenberg, Pacifica Affiliates Coordinator / 510-812-7989 / 
  • Stephanie Schubert, Network operations coordinator /