Steffie Woolhandler – Cracks in For-Profit Health Care

Advocating for Single Payer Health Care

Sabryia Rice from the Dallas Morning News reported in 2016 that, “Aetna is the latest health insurance provider to say it will stop offering plans on the Affordable Care Act’s health exchange marketplace next year.”

Doctor Steffie Woolhandler is a professor at City University of New York at Hunter College and the co-founder of Physicians for a National Health Program, a nonprofit organization advocates for single-payer health care.

“When for-profit insurers compete, there’s no way to guarantee everyone will get services.”

“…even as federal officials maintain that there will be many affordable coverage options for most consumers, some rural Texas counties are more likely to feel the impact of dwindling options.”

Talking with Doctor Woolhandler

To speak with Dr. Woolhandler, email her:

You can also contact the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini | (202) 347-0020
David Zupan | (541) 484-9167