Pacifica Network is local, independent, community based media practicing the first amendment in a democracy. Our mission is building upon the inherent and historic cooperation between community radio stations. Our goal is to further and sustain grassroots community radio. The Pacifica Affiliate Program helps build collaboration in radio production, journalism, technology, and management between its network members.

Our global affiliate network includes more than 200 stations. We provide programming and other network services. Our menu on content is large and diverse, bringing grassroots voices to a global platform. Pacifica Radio Archives is one of the most extensive and important historical sound archives.

Ashland, Oregon
Networks don’t happen by themselves! The Pacifica Affiliate Network is developed and supported by a team strategically working to connect grassroots media and the people who make it happen. We are excited about being the catalyst for healthy, inclusive, and impactful first-amendment media. Our team is passionate about the independence and creativity of the Pacifica and Affiliates Network!